What to Do if You Are a Victim of a Dog Bite: Know Your Legal Rights

dog being held back by man with a leash

Are You a Victim of a Dog Bite? Here's What You Need to Know

Dog bites are more common than many people realize, and they can have severe physical, emotional, and financial consequences. On August 9, 2024, a distressing incident in Simi Valley, California, brought attention to the dangers of unleashed dogs and the serious injuries they can inflict. Surveillance video captured a harrowing attack where a man and his dog were savagely attacked by an unleashed dog while on a walk in their neighborhood. The attack lasted nine minutes, and it took the efforts of concerned neighbors to bring the situation under control. Unfortunately, both the man and his dog suffered severe injuries.

This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of understanding your legal rights if you or a loved one becomes a victim of a dog bite. At the Law Offices of Ali Taheripour, we are committed to helping dog bite victims in California understand their rights and pursue the compensation they deserve.

Understanding California's Dog Bite Laws

Under the California Civil Code, dog owners are strictly liable for any injuries caused by their dog, whether or not they are leashed. This applies even if the dog owner had no prior knowledge that the dog might bite. The victim of a dog bite does not need to establish that the dog owner was negligent in order to claim compensation for their medical bills, pain, and suffering. Under California law, the owner would be strictly liable.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Dog bite cases may seem straightforward due to California's strict liability laws, but they can quickly become complicated. If you’ve been a victim of a dog bite in California, contact the Law Offices of Ali Taheripour today for a comprehensive case evaluation, and let us help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

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